Coming Soon
Current Series
Psalm 119
In this series we looking at each section of Psalm 119. In this weeks installment we are diving deep into the Gimel section. Gimel teaches us that we have to be intentional in our pursuit of God.
Past Series
Overcoming Strongholds
Overcoming Strongholds through the Word of God and through prayer. In this series we will be learning how to pray and break the chain that ensnare us.
Past Series
Soul Detox
Our world is filled with a lot of things that are toxic to our relationship with God and others. Over the next five weeks will strategically talk about how to live clean for Christ.
Past Series
Defeating the Enemy
We will be talking about the absolute need for discernment--and how that discernment isn't a mother intuition, but a super natural gift from God and how it is confirmed through His Word.
Past Series
Return to me and I will return to you.
In this series we have been looking at things that really hurt, hinder, and hamper our relationship with God--actually might even be killing it.